Tuesday 9 December 2014

Becoming a web designer

Becoming a web designer

Website designers are often concerned about their tangible skills, like hardcore Photoshop skills or a mastery of jQuery. So you want to become a web designer, but you have no idea where to start. It is not as hard as it seems, but it requires time and . Today's web designer balances clear, concise design skills alongside a strong foundational background in the technology of the web.

Becoming a web designer

Anyone can design a website, but can they make a career of it? Curious about how you can do it? Read on to get advice from our expert Web Designers. Web designers manage the look and feel of websites – be they large corporate sites consisting of hundreds of pages, or sites for small businesses comprising . Whether you've just decided to learn how to create a Web page or you've been designing pages for years, there is sure to be something new to . You can learn ALL these skills in Skillcrush's Web Designer.

Download Skillcrush's free Beginner's Guide to Landing a Junior Web Design Job for everything you need to know to become a web designer.

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